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Environmental Services for Defense

Worker wearing safety gear and holding a tablet looking towards a green landscape

Tetra Tech is providing safe, strategic, and sustainable environmental solutions to defense clients worldwide as the premiere industry leader in science, engineering, and environmental management.

With decades of experience, Tetra Tech provides innovative and integrated solutions to environmental compliance, planning and management, remediation, climate change, and munitions response challenges. Our highly skilled global team applies the Tetra Tech Delta suite of technology and analytical tools in sustainability and resiliency to deliver best-in-class solutions to defense clients worldwide.

Tetra Tech is Leading with Science®, technology, and innovation to address the most complex climate, ecological, human health, environment, and sustainability challenges. We provide:

  • Asbestos surveying and management
  • Bushfire assessment and management plans
  • Contaminant remediation design and construction
  • Environment and heritage resource management plans
  • Environmental and social impact assessments
  • Environmental management systems
  • Feasibility studies
  • Flora and fauna surveys, monitoring, and management plans
  • Human health and ecological risk assessments
  • Integrated natural and cultural resource management plans
  • Integrated water management plans
  • Munitions surveys, cleanup, and disposal
  • Pollution prevention
  • Site investigations, including contamination of soil, groundwater, surface water, vapor intrusion, and hazardous materials
  • Site restoration and rehabilitation
  • Socioeconomic impact assessment
  • Solid waste minimization, recycling, management, and energy recovery
  • Stakeholder engagement, management, and consultation

Integrated, technology-driven environmental solutions

We use the latest technology to provide integrated environmental solutions in the following areas:

Tetra Tech supports government and defense projects requiring in-depth understanding of current laws, policies, and guidance. We provide expertise on key regulations protecting the quality of all environmental media. Our work includes all aspects of air quality, stormwater, and wastewater management; safe drinking water; pollution prevention planning; fuels; solid waste minimization and management; and hazardous materials and waste management. Our experience ranges from installation-level environmental compliance to preparing updates to headquarters-level regulatory guidance.

Our engineers and scientists deliver comprehensive consulting and regulatory services that identify, assess, and manage environmental risks and climate change impacts. We develop pragmatic management plans to guide all types of work, using a rigorous, strategic approach to mitigate key risks and meet client objectives. Our breadth of service extends to planning, impact assessments, human health and ecological risk assessments, surveying, modeling, environment/heritage and natural/cultural resources assessments and management plans, and surveys for threatened and endangered species and ecological communities.

Tetra Tech works with our defense clients to protect human health and restore land values. We partner with our clients to remediate hazardous, contaminated, and radioactive sites to reduce lifecycle costs, and ultimately enable land reuse. Our teams conduct preliminary assessments, site investigations, risk assessments, remedial designs, remedial construction, remedial action operations, and long-term monitoring. We have global experience identifying, documenting, and mitigating toxic and recalcitrant contaminants, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), explosives residues, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), toxic metals, 1,4-Dioxane, and pesticides.

Combined with our site investigation expertise in characterizing the mass and migration of contaminants, Tetra Tech develops effective mitigation, management, and remedial approaches to address priority issues. To provide our clients with effective and proportionate solutions, we are collaborating with academic and small business teams to investigate and develop innovative technologies for PFAS treatment. We install and maintain PFAS water treatment systems for point-of-use, point-of-entry, and environmental applications to address exposure risks.

Tetra Tech offers specialized services, advanced technology, and experienced unexploded ordnance (UXO) personnel to assess and address munitions on land and in marine environments. During site investigation, we assess levels of contaminants, munitions constituents, agent breakdown products, and biological agents. We expedite munitions clearance at reduced costs by using sophisticated technologies, such as advanced geophysics, to differentiate potentially hazardous munitions from metallic clutter.

Our state-of-the-art aerial, terrestrial, and marine capabilities for defense projects include:

  • Managing highly complex removals of chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear, and explosives hazards
  • Facilitating battle area UXO and improvised explosive device clearance and demining
  • Demilitarizing and recycling munitions
  • Conducting operational range assessments and planning
  • Supporting excavation, dredging, and construction projects

Connect with us. Reach out to our defense services experts.

Our featured environmental services for defense highlights

Headshot of Jerry Diamond

Dr. Jerry Diamond Discusses the Practical Applications of Ecotoxicology to Manage Risk

Navy Resource Efficiency Management

U.S. Navy Resource Efficiency Management 

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